LRAA Board 

2024-25 Members & Assignments

Jon Moore, President
J Gordon, Vice President
Rob Maccaul, Secretary
Martin Wild, Treasurer
Caryn Darmer
Kirk Lohman
Matt O’Brien
Pam Saxton

Access (e.g. roads): Matt O’Brien
Communications: Bahia Rowan
Garbage & Recycling: Rob Maccaul
Water System/Permitting: Kirk Lohman

Airstrip: Air Strip
Firewise: Pam Saxton
Water Policy: Kirk Lohman
WUCIOA (Governance)/Legal: J Gordon

Bahia Rowan

Operational Guidelines 

• Administrative

There are over 30-years worth of collected documents in the filing cabinet. A significant undertaking was made to organize files so current and future boards, along with individual members, could access the files they needed when they needed them. Anyone using the filing cabinet documents has a responsibility to maintain this organization for current and future boards/membership.

• Records, including board meeting minutes, contracts, and association maps will be available for examination by all members with reasonable advance notice.
• Interested members should contact the board through the website to set up a time to review files or make a request in writing and mail it to PO Box 1272.
• The head of the Administrative committee will arrange a time for the LRAA member to review the appropriate records.
• The Association will not release any telephone number of any owner.
• The Association may impose and collect a reasonable charge for copies and any reasonable costs incurred by the Association in providing access to records.
• Members will also have access to any correspondence collected between themselves and the board.
• If the board needs to access files from the filing cabinet in the firehouse, they are free to do so at any time.
• Board members removing an entire file are requested to return it to the same location. Note: the current organization of files is posted on the outside of the filing cabinet.
• Board members removing an individual document from a given file are requested to place a stickie note on that document with the name of the home file listed on it. This will facilitate their returning it to its rightful place when they are finished with it.
• A Trustee who removes a file shold notify the Admin Chair as soon as is convenient. When it is returned, notify the Admin Chair again.

• Business Manager

The Business Manager position was first mentioned to the membership as early as 2013. The position was officially created and announced to the membership at the May 2016 Annual meeting. The Business Manager is a contractor who is not a Board member and is paid a "per hour" rate.

• Support the administrative and communications related initiatives of the LRAA board of Directors.
• Serve as central point of contact for LRAA and maintain LRAA business operations.
• Attend and participate in monthly LRAA board meetings.
• Conduct meter readings, water testing and water system reporting for the LRAA water system.
• Manage the relationship with LRAA vendors as directed by the LRAA board.
• Other duties as assigned by the Board.

• Communications

Offering a means of contacting the LRAA board through our website with timely responses to inquiries from members. Communicating with the general membership is a role LRAA board takes very seriously. Transparency and communication are paramount to the LRAA board, so having an efficient, effective, and timely means of communicating and sharing information with the membership is crucial.

• Inquiries made through the web site “contact” page will be sent to the appropriate trustees via email.
• The chair of the Communications Committee will respond to inquiries and concerns that come from the membership through the LRAA website, unless a trustee specific to the subject of the question being asked has already responded to the inquiry. The goal is that someone respond to any inquiry within 24hours, even if the question is not being fully answered.
• If the chair of the Communications Committee is responding to a member and cannot provide an answer, he or she will still respond within 24 hours to either 1) let the member know that the question has been forwarded to the specific board member affiliated with that committee or 2) that additional research is required and that the board will respond within a reasonable amount of time. The chair of the Communications Committee is also responsible for passing those questions on to the appropriate board member, following up with that board member to be certain the action item has been completed.
• If a trustee other than the communications chair is responding to an inquiry, they need to copy any response to the communications chair.
• The Communications Chair is responsible for sharing any concerns expressed through the website (or other outside means) with the board.
• The Communications Chair will ensure that the website is up to date with regard to meeting minutes, quarterly and annual financial reports, and special association announcements. This chair will also manage the outgoing group emails to LRAA members who have signed up to receive these messages. This work will either be conducted by the chair of the Communications Committee or by a hired Website Manager of the board’s choosing.
• The website is managed by a contractor who is not a Board member and is paid a "per hour" rate. Content for the website is provided by the LRAA Board and LRAA Business Manager. The current webmaster has been working with the LRAA Board since 2010.
• Website tasks are determined and directed by the board member in charge of Communications.

• Conflict of Interest Policy

In 2019 the LRAA Board created a conflict of interest policy that all board members will sign each year.

The purpose of this policy is to acknowledge that sometimes board members have a conflict of interest regarding issues that they may be voting on. This policy ensures transparency when such situations arise. LRAA Conflict of Interest Acknowledgement

• Executive

E-mail voting is an effective tool for the LRAA Board due to the infrequency that board members can meet in person. At the same time, communication and transparency are the top priority of the board. By including e-mail voting activity since the last board meeting in current board meeting minutes, the board ensures communication and transparency for LRAA members.

• If the board needs to make simple and non-controversial decisions between board meetings, e-mail voting can be used.
• It is important to ensure appropriate discussion takes place if necessary.
• E-mail voting should provide that as an option, for example: “I approve of this decision. I do NOT approve of this decision. Additional discussion is necessary.”
• All e-mail voting since the last board meeting, must be captured on the agenda of the next board meeting including the exact question and results.
• Once the e-mail votes on the agenda have been reviewed within the context of the board meeting, they will be included in the minutes with the exact question and the results as if it had been a motion at the meeting.

• Finance

In progress.

• Garbage & Recycling

• Monitor use of dumpsters & recycling program.
• Assess for adjustments to services & report to LRAA board.
• Assess for misuses and troubleshooting.
• Liaison with Methow Recycles and Wastewise.
• Encourage full use of one dumpster before a second dumpster is used.
• Help keep dumpster and recycling area tidy.
• Help maintain instructional signage for recycling & dumpster use.
• Provide Garbage & Recycling information for the LRAA website.

• Secretarial

Meeting minutes should be made available to the LRAA membership as quickly as possible after having been approved, as communication and transparency top priorities of the board. With board members cycling on and off the board every year, it is important that some consistency is maintained on the website and in the method of filing for future reference.

• Secretary produces draft minutes and distributes via email to board members for review. By the 2nd Monday after the meeting.
• All board members review and either tentatively accept or provide revisions to the Secretary, by the 3rd Monday after the meeting.
• Secretary edits the minutes with the revisions and redistributes to the board via email by the 4th Monday after the meeting. The document should be clearly labeled as "draft" with revision date and revisions included.
• Board approves minutes at the next Board meeting. The Secretary, another designated board member or the webmaster posts final version to the web ASAP.
• The final version of the minutes is initialed by the Secretary and President in hard copy, by postal mail if necessary.
• Final location for the signed copy is in the files at the fire hall. The web version should have “Initialed by [President/Secretary] [Date]” in each of the signature lines and should state version approved by the board on Day/Month/Year.
• Draft versions should be shredded.
• When Board Meeting Minutes are posted they are named Board Meeting Minutes [Month Day, Year]
• Annual Meeting Minutes are labeled Annual Meeting Minutes [Month Day, Year]
• Special Board Meeting Minutes are labeled Special Board Meeting Minutes [Month Day, Year]
• Annual Minutes are categorized as such for easier access on the website.
• Minutes are saved as having been posted the day of the meeting so that they appear in chronological order on the website.
• Each set of minutes is tagged on the website based on content. Examples of tags are the following: airstrip, delinquency, equipment maintenance, finances, insurance, legal issues (to name a few).
• These tags are used to make it easier to search for minutes that contained significant information about those important topics.
• Final meeting minutes are filed by calendar year in the file cabinet.
• A new file is started for each calendar year.
• All meeting minutes are filed together.